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2017  2018  2019

Say Hello to M8TRIX5 PUSH!

A 3 in 1 mobile app that directly targets customers that are ready to buy. Plus gives them the convenience to order, pay, redeem, track their orders, save, like and share your products or service(s) right on their smart phone.

85%-90% of consumers have smartphones. To increase your sales and customer base instantly put your business into the palm of their hand with the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP.



for FREE

why mobilE COMMERECE?


Why m8trix5 push?

Reach ready to buy consumers directly

create your ad and marketing campaign in minutes

set your marketing area and radius

With M8TRIX5 PUSH, you are able to set your marketing and advertising campaign area/radius. This allows ready to buy consumers to be able find or get notifications of your deals, specials or promotions when they are in the area.

Set it and forget it

Once you set your marketing campaign dates, and times. The M8TRIX5 PUSH app will automatically cycle the campaign as you programmed it to. Set it. For get it and just wait for the sales to come in instantly. 

 increase YOUR sales and customers base instantly

85% to 90% of consumers have smart phones. Direct mobile marketing is the best platform to instantly increase sales and customers because M8TRIX5 Push allows you to put your products or services right in the consumer's hands! Which in turns triggers a higher buying need.

Only pay when someone buys your products or services

Increase sales and customer base instantly for only 2% cost per sale. No sale means no cost to you for using our direct marketing and advertising M8TRIX5 APP platform. 

real time

When consumers shares, likes, saves buys or redeems your deals/specials all actions are notified in real time. This way you will never miss anything.

smart marketing

When a consumer shares your campaign within the app via text, email, messenger or any social media platform. They are in fact marketing and promoting your campaign for you. Now that's smart!

mobile pos &payment

Our point of sale feature provides convenience to the consumer by allowing them to buy, redeem, and track their order in real time. Funds are then deposited into your merchant account the next day.


With the analytics feature, you'll always be on top of your campaigns. Track campaign earnings for a day, a week or a month. How many consumers shared, save or liked your campaigns. You can analyze your growth rate in real time and can take measures to improve it. 


push app how does it work pg 1.PNG

get more for less!

no monthly

subscription fee

There is no monthly subscription fee





You can advertise and market as much as you want on our mobile platform and will only be charged a 2% marketing/ad fee when a sale is made. If your direct mobile marketing campaign doesn't generate a sale you will NOT be charged.  For example, if your campaign generated a $10 sale then you will be charged .20 cents (2% of the sale). No sale. No charge.

one time setup fee

There is a one-time account setup fee of $249.95


There is a one-time activation fee of $149.95

time to start

is now!

85% -90%

of consumers have smartphones!


Take advantage of the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP. Start your direct mobile marketing campaign today. Target ready to buy mobile consumers. Plus gives them the convenience to order, pay, redeem, track their order, save, like and share your products or service right on their smart phone. Bring your business into the palm of their hand with the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP and increase your sale and customer base instantly!


it free now!


  • What happens next after I download the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP?
    You will need to apply and be approved for a mobile merchant account in order for you to accept payments from consumers. Once you complete the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP download a M8TRIX5 or Globalpayment agent (M8TRIX5 merchant processing partner) Agent will be in touch with you to start the application.
  • How long does the mobile merchant application take?
    If can take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days.
  • Are there any monthly usage or subscriptions fees associated with the M8TRIX5 PUSH APP?
    There are no monthly fees. There is just a 2% fee for when a sale is made using our M8TRIX5 PUSH APP platform. This fee is charged to the retailer. If a products is marketed and a consumer buys it on the APP for $10. M8TRIX5 will charge the retailer 2% of the total sale (.20 cents).
  • How many products or ad campaigns can I do?
    As many as you want.


If you have questions please complete the form below. We will get back to you shortly.

Thanks! Message sent.


Real Estate Development, Investment, Hospitality & Media Group

102-2571 Shaughnessy Street
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3G3

Av. 28 de Julio, Local 7, 77710 
Playa del Carmen, Q.R.

Tel: 778.726.4721

© 2024 M8TRIX5 Proudly Canadian 

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